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Top Five Tourist Destination In Kerala Out Of Ten Best Tour Locations In India

According to the International Travel Agency report, five tour locations of the top ten tourist places in India are in Kerala, God's Own Country. Booking Dotcom's travel website ranked five of the top ten tourist destinations in India are Varkala, Cochin, Thekkady, Alappuzha (Houseboats) and Munnar have been selected for the 2018 Guest Reviews in Kerala. This is the seventh awards list for the site. This selection were 6,125 places out of India alone.

According to the website authorities, the tourist attractions, the location, convenience, size of tour locations, and quality of the tourist facilities to people are given importance to the tourists in each area. India is the world's 29th best tourist location in the world. Switzerland is the next country. China is ranked 40th position and Malaysia 45th rank positions. This award is given based tourist feedback, reviews about tourist places, facilities etc.

In terms of the prizes awarded in 2018, most of claims that naturally, the customer receives locations in terms of consumer reviews. The most welcoming countries are Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, New Zealand, Taiwan, Romania, Hungary, Ireland, Serbia and Greece. Norfolk Onesan (Japan), Fernando de Noronha (Brazil), El Charlton (Argentina), Gorreme (Turkey), Benego (New Zealand), Newport (United States)